2008年11月23日 星期日

Paper reading: Operationalization of the Metadata Element “Difficulty”

  • Organize OCAC's vocabulary set.
  • Various formats and structures of a LO, and ambiguity and non-uniformed vocabulary in metadata elements

2008年11月21日 星期五

How to detect and construct the course structure?

  • Read Tseng's paper again.
  • Collect samples: w/ and w/o course structure
  • Verify that keywords are the obvios clues or not?

2008年11月20日 星期四

Course analysis for OCAC

  • Primary:
  1. Chinese for Preschoolers--Children's
    , Chinese's Saying, Chinese Riddles, and Chinese
  2. Chinese Kindergarten
  3. Children's Chinese Reader => No contents.
  4. Learning Activites For Kids =>
  5. Chinese glossary E-Card

=> 1, 2, 5: Short contents. No summary is needed.

  • Intermediate
  1. Speaking Mandarin in 500 Words => No contents.
  2. Speaking Mandarin in 1000 Words => Conversation.
  3. Fun with Chinese Learning => Game-based.
  • High-level
  1. Chinese For Junior High School Level => Possible.
  2. Chinese For High School Level => Possible.


  • D/L "Possible" samples after go home.
  • Get Stanford parser from CC.